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In order to ensure that councils in England can continue to provide essential frontline services, Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove today (19 December 2022) confirmed an over £60 billion package for councils in that country for the upcoming fiscal year.

financing deal for English councils totaling £60 billion

As the government continues to support councils and public services in the face of financial difficulties, the settlement means that councils throughout England will receive an additional £5 billion, a 9% increase over the settlement from last year.

The agreement for the following year contains a one-time funding guarantee that, before any local council tax decisions are made, every council in England will see a core spending power rise of at least 3%. In addition, the government today announced a new £100 million program for councils to shield the most vulnerable households from council tax hikes, fulfilling a campaign pledge to shield local taxpayers from disproportionate increases.


The government has prioritized social care as well, adding $2 billion in grant money for adult and pediatric social care in 2023–2024. Additionally, NHS England will receive £300 million to facilitate patient discharge in order to increase capacity.

Following consultation with councils, the government has increased certainty for town halls up to 2024–2025 by defining spending for the following two years.

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